Bellevue Negligent Driving Attorneys
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First degree and second degree negligent driving in Washington State.
Washington State traffic and criminal laws are some of the strictest in the country, and many people find them difficult to understand. Cases involving negligent driving in Bellevue, WA can be especially challenging, because there are two separate charges relative to the subheading. Each negligent driving charge incurs its own penalties, highlighting the fact that they should be treated seriously and expeditiously.
Of the two charges under Washington law, first degree negligent driving is the most egregious. You can be charged for Bellevue negligent driving in the first degree even though you are in no way intoxicated or impaired. These serious charges should never be underestimated, because a conviction may incur penalties that include hefty fines. Additionally, the insurance premiums on your Bellevue vehicle will likely skyrocket.
Indeed, you may not be physically impaired to drive in any way, but still be charged with Bellevue negligent driving in the first degree. If you’ve been accused of negligent driving you should ensure your legal rights are protected by familiarizing yourself with the law and preparing an aggressive defense. You may also want to talk to one of our Bellevue negligent driving attorneys about your situation, because this charge is often made solely on the discretion of one police officer that might have made a mistake in judgment.
Second degree negligent driving may not be a criminal offense, but it is still one of the most serious traffic infractions a Bellevue driver can face. If an officer thinks you are driving in a way that endangers a person or property, then you can be cited for this infraction. Often, this leads to much higher auto insurance rates.
Is keeping your driving record clean important to you? If so, then talk to one of our Bellevue negligent driving lawyers today and find out more about the best course of action for your situation.
Our Bellevue negligent driving lawyers offer experience and dedication.
If you feel like you were cited for negligent driving in Bellevue without just cause, or you would like to simply keep your driving record clean, it’s important to understand the law and how it applies to your case. In Washington, negligent driving is discretionary, so one police officer often makes a personal judgment. Because of this, there may be a way to defend you and resolve your case with expediency. Much will depend upon the police report pertaining to your case, but when compared to the high price of a conviction for negligent driving in Bellevue, defending your own interests makes sense.
For decades our Bellevue negligent driving lawyers have collectively defended Washington drivers from negligent driving charges in the first and second degree. We will put our knowledge of Washington law to work for you, and use our experience to create an aggressive defense.
Call for a free case evaluation with a Bellevue criminal defense lawyer today.
Before making any decisions you would probably like to talk to a professional that can provide you with real-world answers based on the law, without risk or monetary obligation. Our Bellevue negligent driving attorneys offer a free consultation so that you can better understand the law before taking any action. If you choose to retain one of our Bellevue negligent driving lawyers, they will ensure your rights are protected and make sure everything is being done to mitigate the damage.
Every WA drunk driving charge needs to be tackled in a timely fashion.
As mentioned in the above paragraphs, a negligent driving charge may be identified as a first degree or second degree violation. In comparing the two, it may be a perplexing charge to understand without the aid of an experienced attorney proficient in Washington State DUI law by your side. You may be feeling paralyzed on what course of action to take, which carries its own risk since every WA drunk driving related charge needs to be tackled in a timely fashion. There is paperwork to be filed, and deadlines to be met, which if they’re not, can worsen matters a great deal.
If you retain one of the skilled Bellevue negligent driving attorneys from our law firm, you can be confident in knowing that you will have someone with knowledge and experience helping you through this complex process. We will work diligently to ensure that deadlines are met, and aid you in the preparation of your DOL hearing and day in court. With decades of collective experience, it makes good sense to call in for your free consultation so that a Bellevue DUI lawyer from our team can assist you in better understating your negligent driving charge.
How to challenge your negligent driving charge in Bellevue, WA.
If you’ve been charged with negligent driving in Washington State, you have been so by the discretion of the officer that pulled you over. This is where having a knowledgeable DUI attorney by your side makes a significant impact on how to challenge your negligent driving charge. He or she will be able to access and scrutinize the details pertaining to your case and build you a strong defense backed by the drunk driving laws of Washington State. Protecting your legal rights and working to keep your record clear is of top priority. If you retain our legal services, our negligent driving attorneys in Bellevue, WA will aggressively defend your character in court and be with you from start to finish.
One thing that you can count on: if you neglect the negligent driving charge you’ve been given, there will be dire consequences to face. Take a proactive first step by reaching out to one of our Bellevue DUI lawyers either through a phone call or through our email form to learn how we can assist you in better understanding your case. Get your questions addressed during your free consultation at absolutely no obligation to you, and receive the dignity that you’re deserving of. While there are never any complete guarantees regarding the outcome of a case, following through with every legal maneuver possible to keep your life from being turned upside down is a good course of action.